hey hey

i'm christa – a wild-hearted mama to four energetic boys and wife to a free spirit who keeps life spontaneous and exciting. with a heart that thrives on the thrill of the chase and a soul deeply rooted in my faith, i'm here to invite you into my unique journey.

through a span of nearly ten exhilarating years, i've been crafting my path from the ground up, unapologetically defying norms along the way. the first five years immersed me in the world of crafting custom wood furniture, where I sculpted one-of-a-kind pieces for a diverse clientele – even catching the attention of celebrities and businesses.

the subsequent five years took a daring twist as i embarked on a journey with an anti-aging vegan health and beauty venture.

my core belief burns fierce: i'm here to uplift others, to inspire them to seize their power and pursue dreams they once thought were galaxies away. the energy of others' victories ignites my soul like wildfire.

let's dig into the concept of balance – a tightrope we all walk with flair. I dance through the roles of a nurturing mother, a passionate wife, a relentless business owner, a devoted daughter, a fierce sister, and a steadfast friend. amidst this beautifully orchestrated chaos, I've learned that balance isn't about perfect harmony; it's about embracing the beautiful mess that life is.

in this extraordinary journey, authenticity is my compass. i thrive in staying true to my spirit, celebrating wins with abandon, and cultivating an attitude of gratitude. buckle up for this rollercoaster of life's quirks, and let's paint the canvas of existence with shades of adventure and authenticity.

love always,
