Okay, here's the deal ladies!

I CANNOT f*cking stand more than a few things that "people in general" do in business but mostly these ones. And THAT is probably the number one reason I have gained the success I have.

So! I am going to let you guys in on a few little secrets that seem like common sense to me, but some how they aren't to everyone else. You're welcome! &hearts;  <<< yes, I did that on purpose 


Literally the easiest thing in the world, especially when you're a new or smaller business owner that's not getting hundreds of emails a day. When people want something they want it NOW! Not in 5 hours or in 5 days. If you're not able to give to them what they want, when they want it, they will find or buy it elsewhere. MARK MY WORD. Now don't get me wrong, I am totally guilty of opening an email or dm ((I HATE RED BUBBLES IN THE CORNERS OF MY APPS)) with a quote request while I am driving or in a position where I cannot respond and forget to until the next day or week and it has bit me in the ass every. single. time. That being said, RESPOND. Even if it's one liner. Trust me, they'll appreciate. I know I do. Unresponsive people bug. 


Do NOT even think about going through small business instagram accounts and jocking their style, work, or vibes. CREATE your own. That is what people WILL remember. Something they have not seen before, vibes they have not felt before. Besides that, who wants to have competition they're constantly stalking to keep up with? ((#creepyAF)) Be the one that everyone else is trying to keep up with, be the vibes that people crave, the vibes they can only find with you. Be YOURSELF!


DONT HATE, COLLABORATE. Working with other women in business has been my favorite thing about being a female entrepreneur. There's something that runs in the blood of a women in charge, something fierce, something courageous, and so empowering. To be able to come together and support one another will bring so much more to the table than when all the seats are full verses just the head chair. Every women you meet will know something you don't, have experienced something you haven't & besides all that TRUST ME it is so much more fun to cheers a cocktail with girlfriend who gets you after a really successful day or maybe even a really shitty one. 

I plan to touch a little more on my business tips+ tricks every week here on the blog ((hopefully))

& if you really want to get into all the nitty gritty business talk join myself 25 other women in business at my upcoming


click here to learn more

oh, and I would LOVE to hear what you ladies feel like makes you more successful in business! 


Introducing Salvaged Soul's Rebel Business Retreat

A L L O W   M E   T O   I N T R O D U C E   T O   Y O U



I CANNOT even contain my excitement over this new venture so I'm just going to get to the point. I wanted to write up a blog post to elaborate on how this STELLAR AF mini retreat will be. 

Why did I name it 'REBEL BUSINESS RETREAT'? It was a no brainer for me, I have been a rebel from the get go with my business. Breaking all the rules, not doing things by the book and standing out for it! Let me help you break the rules and gain success for it!

If you know me, you know I am ALWAYS jumping in with both feet. Therefor, I have scheduled my first retreat for late August. I am currently (almost done) locking in a super RAD spot in Palm Springs for us to spend 24 hours together ||CHECK IN TO CHECK OUT||

meeting | collaborating | inspiring

I know first hand how hard it is to put ANY TIME into something that does NOT involve my husband + children + family or my business. It's always an excuse for me and then if I do participate in any "girls" weekends or nights I am constantly thinking about what I should be doing or what needs to get done when I get back. But, on the same note we DESERVE a getaway! More than anyone... We are seriously juggling life like no ones business right?

So here's how it's going to go down! 











WE ALL MATTER|| as you may notice there is no panel, no time for the spotlight to be on just ONE PERSON. At my retreats we are all as equally badass as the girl to the right of us with her own tv show and the girl to the left of us who is still brainstorming her business ideas

You know how I know this? Because there will not be someone who wants to connect with woman in business UNLESS they have that same fire in their soul. We all have SOMETHING to offer one another and beyond the incredible networking that will go down at these retreats we will all gain so much knowledge and inspiration. All of which you NEED to grow!

Did I mention it's a write off? Duh! Doing business, just in a really fun way.

SIDE NOTE|| the BEST, most referring clients (being a word of mouth business) are the ones who work their ass's off and know what it takes to be in your shoes


ONLY 25 SPOTS AVAILABLE COST|| $475 per person


imitation. flattering? or no?

"Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but it's not a good business plan"

photo by Style Report Mag

I think this topic of conversation has a been long time coming. It's something most of us small business owners have dealt with first hand, probably more than once or twice. 

It's annoying AF when you log on social media and someone who has followed and commented on your photos for the past year changes their name on Instagram to @salvagesoul (mine is @salvagedsoul) and starts hash tagging #momthebuilder. But it is what it is. You vent to your friends about it and move on because first of all you have no idea who this person even is and second of all they are going NOWHERE fast. It's just the name of the game, you cannot gain the same success without doing same the work to get there. 

photo by Style Report Mag


"the saddest

thing about

betrayal is that

it never comes

from your



Now, it's a whole new ball game of betrayal when that "friend" you once vented to goes and does the same thing, in a different way but same shit. I've contemplated for months and months about opening up on this subject but when I saw the quote at the top of this post I knew it was my time. I'm trying my hardest to not make this some immature venting sesh so please, don't judge. I know this happens to more than just me and I want you guys to know that you're not alone.

When you're my "friend" and ask me to quote a table and decide you want to make your own. I get that and I FULLY support it. I love to see my friends doing DIY projects, it makes me proud. I know first hand how hard it is. Now, when you take DIY-ing your own dining table and turn it into a business. Then start mocking my whole brand. Ummm not cool.

Or how about when I help you start a business from the ground up, like even come up with the name of your business, get you a logo, show you how to build wood frames, and put you in contact with EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON and CLIENT I know that would be interested in your work because I want so badly for my friends to feel that same feeling of self fulfillment and pride in something you created with your own two hands. But then you decide you want to grow bigger and start contacting MY clients who I introduced you to behind my back and offer them the same work I do for them from you but for FREE. Not cool b*tch. Not cool. 

Oh, and then there's that friend who's an interior design, one whom you have referred to many clients and even connected her with one of yours for the opportunity to gain her business national exposure on a hit reality show. Her client requests a barn door from me, with a photo of MY DOOR, but she decides that she'd rather start building and selling barn doors from her own company. WEIRD AF. Right? 

Crazy thing is I always end up the "bad guy" and it's bulshit because what did I do? Really! It's funny because the outcome of all these situations are the same. That person who I thought was my "friend" falls off the face of the earth and somehow I become the topic of their conversation with everyone around them but they can never find the time to reach out or talk to me about it. Guilty conscious much? 

I can honestly say, I am not mad at these women. Did they hurt me? Yes. But I am thankful for the lessons learned. Ultimately someone I thought was a friend for years was not. Life goes on.

The moral of this post was not to rant about my experiences but to share with you guys what I have learned through them.



Business and money take over people in a really sad way. Success from one person will bring out the worst in another. Women need to stop comparing themselves to others. Stop competing with others. Worry about YOU. I have an ongoing competition with myself. I am constantly striving to be a better person today than I was yesterday. A better mom, a better wife, a better friend, a better business owner. 

At the end of the day, success breeds copycats. People see a good thing happening and they want a piece of it. It won't last for them and most likely won't be successful at all because I will tell you one thing that builds a solid foundation, originality. 

"Success comes from originality not imitation"

Keep your chin upend try to not let these things get to you because chances are they are going to happen again and again. Let it motivate it. Push you to the edge and inspire bigger and better business endeavors. 

let's get in her business// Brittney Kelley of T R I B E - K E L L E Y


You may recognize this mega babe from being on the arm of husband + co founder of TRIBE KELLY, Brian Kelley from one of my favorite bands and probably yours too, 'Florida Georgia Line'. 

trust me when I say there is much more than meets the eye with this girl

 \\ she is beautiful + intelligent +  has a soul that is burning with passion //

you'll see what I mean and get to know her more when you read her q+a below

I was introduced to their brand, 'TRIBE KELLEY' not too long ago when a girlfriend tagged me in an instagram post. I was immediately drawn to this clothing line before I even knew anything to do with the owners. It was different, it was striking, it was not a brand that was "trying" to be trendy. It was a brand that was setting the trends. Effortless and so chic. 

Not to mention it was a line that was functional. I literally thought "ohhh, I can totally where that out on date night and at school pick up". Now thats what I call a win/win! 

<< here are a few of my favorite pieces >>



Where does the name 'TRIBE Kelley' come from?

b. "Tribe Kelley was formed when I wanted to transform my college part-time job into a full-time brand my husband and I could both share. I ran my own Esty account in college to pay for my little one bedroom apartment. You could find me studying Psychology & creating one-of-a-kind pieces throughout my schooling at the University of Georgia. I was married by the time my last semester came about & Tribe Kelley was formed on my husband’s tour bus one afternoon. Combining my native american ancestry by using the word “Tribe” and our last name “Kelley,” the brand was born"

What do you find most difficult about running a business with your husband?

b."I find managing our creative and personal time together the most difficult. When your passion is being creative, sometimes it is hard to turn on and off. When your working with your spouse, it is important to schedule “off” time. Off time to me is simply going on a mindless walk in nature or finding yourself driving a backroad having unplanned conversations. It is also important to find personal time to re-charge so that when you are around your spouse you are able to fully give your time and attention to them whether that be for business or personal time"

How do you find balance between traveling so much and running a business?

b. "I run my business on the road while I travel. To be honest, sometimes I get the most work done while on a four hour plane ride to Los Angeles. Some of the best list making sessions happen in the back of an Uber stuck in traffic. Having to adapt to working on a bus, plane or even train sometimes, is one of the most challenging, yet greatest parts of what I do. If I wasn’t able to travel, where would I draw my inspiration? Sometimes I wonder if I was never forced to sit four hours on a plane if I would ever get any computer work done"

It seems like you both have a good hold on originality with your brand, do you feel thats what leads to your success?

b. "My husband and I both are big on being original with your art, no matter what form your creating. With music or design, you must draw inspiration from somewhere, but the result must be something so original it cannot be copied. We design our collections seasons ahead of time, so copying what is currently trending is never an issue for us. We like to create styles that fit our lifestyle at that moment, giving us the upper hand on originality, in my opinion"

Looking ahead 3 years from now, where do you see your brand going?

b. "We dream of having small, curated boutiques all over the US and possibly the world some day"

What has been the hardest struggle through starting and owning your own business? & how did you get through it?

b. "The hardest struggle for me personally, is being too independent. I don’t like to ask for help and sometimes you NEED to ask for help. I like for things to be done in detail and I fear if I don’t do them myself, then they aren’t done right. My biggest challenge has been to let parts of Tribe Kelley be handled by my team. For example, by allowing my social media team to take over, it has given me ample time I need to design & perfect future collections"

If you had one "do over" as a business owner, what would it be?

b. "Having more patience & opening on a correct “fashion schedule.”— I rushed to open my online business because of excitement. I ended up putting myself behind schedule on seasons and I should’ve waited a couple more months."

If you could give an advice card to each couple who is considering starting a business together, what would it say?

b. "Make sure you and your spouse both want to enter business together. I have friends and family couples that would never be able to work together, and that is OK. Some couples operate better having different jobs so that they can come back together at the end of the day and have options to converse about. Other couples enjoy being around each other hourly and are able to work within the same job. Being honest about working together is the best advice I can give. My husband is also a musician, so he gets his time to work on a project separate from our brand, and it is always refreshing to have other topics to chat about at the end of the day" 

Hope you guys enjoyed this feature as much as I did. Now go buy some'TRIBE KELLEY' pieces and let me know your thoughts!