Okay, here's the deal ladies!

I CANNOT f*cking stand more than a few things that "people in general" do in business but mostly these ones. And THAT is probably the number one reason I have gained the success I have.

So! I am going to let you guys in on a few little secrets that seem like common sense to me, but some how they aren't to everyone else. You're welcome! &hearts;  <<< yes, I did that on purpose 


Literally the easiest thing in the world, especially when you're a new or smaller business owner that's not getting hundreds of emails a day. When people want something they want it NOW! Not in 5 hours or in 5 days. If you're not able to give to them what they want, when they want it, they will find or buy it elsewhere. MARK MY WORD. Now don't get me wrong, I am totally guilty of opening an email or dm ((I HATE RED BUBBLES IN THE CORNERS OF MY APPS)) with a quote request while I am driving or in a position where I cannot respond and forget to until the next day or week and it has bit me in the ass every. single. time. That being said, RESPOND. Even if it's one liner. Trust me, they'll appreciate. I know I do. Unresponsive people bug. 


Do NOT even think about going through small business instagram accounts and jocking their style, work, or vibes. CREATE your own. That is what people WILL remember. Something they have not seen before, vibes they have not felt before. Besides that, who wants to have competition they're constantly stalking to keep up with? ((#creepyAF)) Be the one that everyone else is trying to keep up with, be the vibes that people crave, the vibes they can only find with you. Be YOURSELF!


DONT HATE, COLLABORATE. Working with other women in business has been my favorite thing about being a female entrepreneur. There's something that runs in the blood of a women in charge, something fierce, something courageous, and so empowering. To be able to come together and support one another will bring so much more to the table than when all the seats are full verses just the head chair. Every women you meet will know something you don't, have experienced something you haven't & besides all that TRUST ME it is so much more fun to cheers a cocktail with girlfriend who gets you after a really successful day or maybe even a really shitty one. 

I plan to touch a little more on my business tips+ tricks every week here on the blog ((hopefully))

& if you really want to get into all the nitty gritty business talk join myself 25 other women in business at my upcoming


click here to learn more

oh, and I would LOVE to hear what you ladies feel like makes you more successful in business! 


Introducing Salvaged Soul's Rebel Business Retreat

A L L O W   M E   T O   I N T R O D U C E   T O   Y O U



I CANNOT even contain my excitement over this new venture so I'm just going to get to the point. I wanted to write up a blog post to elaborate on how this STELLAR AF mini retreat will be. 

Why did I name it 'REBEL BUSINESS RETREAT'? It was a no brainer for me, I have been a rebel from the get go with my business. Breaking all the rules, not doing things by the book and standing out for it! Let me help you break the rules and gain success for it!

If you know me, you know I am ALWAYS jumping in with both feet. Therefor, I have scheduled my first retreat for late August. I am currently (almost done) locking in a super RAD spot in Palm Springs for us to spend 24 hours together ||CHECK IN TO CHECK OUT||

meeting | collaborating | inspiring

I know first hand how hard it is to put ANY TIME into something that does NOT involve my husband + children + family or my business. It's always an excuse for me and then if I do participate in any "girls" weekends or nights I am constantly thinking about what I should be doing or what needs to get done when I get back. But, on the same note we DESERVE a getaway! More than anyone... We are seriously juggling life like no ones business right?

So here's how it's going to go down! 











WE ALL MATTER|| as you may notice there is no panel, no time for the spotlight to be on just ONE PERSON. At my retreats we are all as equally badass as the girl to the right of us with her own tv show and the girl to the left of us who is still brainstorming her business ideas

You know how I know this? Because there will not be someone who wants to connect with woman in business UNLESS they have that same fire in their soul. We all have SOMETHING to offer one another and beyond the incredible networking that will go down at these retreats we will all gain so much knowledge and inspiration. All of which you NEED to grow!

Did I mention it's a write off? Duh! Doing business, just in a really fun way.

SIDE NOTE|| the BEST, most referring clients (being a word of mouth business) are the ones who work their ass's off and know what it takes to be in your shoes


ONLY 25 SPOTS AVAILABLE COST|| $475 per person


let's get in her business|| RHOC Tamra Judge

I'm sure you all know or have seen her on 'The Real Housewives of Orange County' for nearly a DECADE.... but, if not allow me to introduce you to 


Let me just kick this off by saying what a genuine and supportive woman Tamra has been over the past year of knowing her! She is not just a client, she is a friend and someone who has given myself along with many other women in business some of the BEST advice and opportunities ever! She has gone above and beyond to work with MANY different small shops and women whom I have connected her with. Not too long ago we did a girls day and went shopping at a couple of my favorite boutiques (Swirl Boutique + Stitch & Feather), the following week she was filming at Swirl Boutique, she could have filmed anywhere but she wanted to support and do what she could through her connections to gain them a great deal of exposure. THAT my friends is one badass chick who does not HAVE to, but WANTS to go the extra mile for another womenpreneur. 

STITCH &amp; FEATHER in Seal Beach

STITCH & FEATHER in Seal Beach

SWIRL BOUTIQUE in San Clemente

SWIRL BOUTIQUE in San Clemente

What is my point of these blog posts? Why am I even doing this?

 The point is to gain knowledge and relate to women at all points of their career going through the SAME shit we all are as entrepreneurs because this ain't all rainbows and butterflies. Owning your own business is one of the toughest but most rewarding jobs us women can do. But you have to have thick blood, you have to fight for that end vision and not give up when everyone else would. Tamra is one of us! 

Tamra + husband Eddie started their business 'CUT Fitness' located in Rancho Santa Margarita, Ca in 2013. CUT Fitness is known to be a kick ass one-stop-shop for all your fitness goals! Yes, she had a great deal of exposure on her side from being on the RHOC for many years prior but that doesn't mean the "start your own business" road was paved for her. She has done an amazing job at building a vision. Through the struggles and through the success's. 

Not only is Tamra running a business with her husband, something Jesse and I could NOT EVER DO. So major props to the both of them for their A+ in TEAMWORK. But she has also been a full time reality star on 'the RHOC' for going on 10 seasons now, she is a mom, wife, AND a hot hot GRANDMA! The juggle is real and I'm sure she can tell you about that too. 

let's get personal


 being a cast member of the RHOC, do you consider that a "job" in itself or a real documentation of your life?

t. "I've always thought of it as a job. I'm 10 years into filming, and if I didn't I'd go crazy. There has been stressful times where I just had to say to myself "it's just a job, don't let it get to you". Sometimes it's hard not taking things personally since its a show documenting my life. I still have to answer to a boss and I get paid...... yep, its a job."

what's your secret to finding balance between filming, family, and being a business owner?

t. "Finding balance no matter what you do is never easy. I have my moments where I just want to run away. The truth is one aspect of your life will always be unbalanced at certain times. Right now I'm filming for the next 2 months. I can't be at CUT Fitness every day or make dinner every night. I can't always get up at 5 am to workout and sometimes I need help with the kids. It's just not possible to do it all. Eddie is a big help with everything including the kids. All I can do is try my best, adjust to my schedule and get less sleep. When filming is over things ease up and it's a little easier to juggle kids, house, and CUT Fitness."

what has been the hardest struggle through the process of starting and owning your own business? & how did you get through it?

t. "Starting my own business was a real eye opener. I had never done it before and I made a lot of mistakes. They say the first year you make all the mistakes, the second year you try to fix them, and the third year you make money if you're lucky. It cost me 10 times more than I thought and you're basically strapped to the business for the first 3 years. Most new business owners think they will open a business and the money will come rolling in...... Not true! 

We are on year 4 at CUT Fitness and we are constantly changing our business model to what is hot in the fitness industry. We started a "class only" studio. We have grown into a personal and small group training facility, with multiple trainers that lease space from us and multiple trainers under our CUT Fitness umbrella. We do specialty training like Spartan and offer nutrition and online programs."

if you had one "do over" as a business owner what would it be?

t. "Hmmm, do over? There are so many from our location to investing our own cash into the business. But the truth is we have learned so much through the process. I always tell people that lose their business to not give up. Now they are fully prepped to open up their next business and not make the same mistakes as last time."

if you could give an advice card to each women who is considering starting their own business what would it say?

t. My advice would be........ do something you're passionate about and give away FREE SHIT!!!! Get on social media, reach out to the public and send them your product. Write them a nice SHORT note and follow up. Don't ask them to post it, they get asked that every day. Giving someone something and expecting something in return is never a good attitude to have. If they post it GREAT, that's advertising you probably couldn't afford. Give things to your friends and family too. Word of mouth is HUGE!"

ps: don't be boring, what are your thoughts on this post?

let's get in her business INTRO!

hey girl hey

The day has FINALLY come & I have decided on a name for this new chapter of Salvaged Soul! 

'let's get in her business'

But not in the typical bitchy judgmental way, in a way that we all NEED it! To show our love, support & how much we believe in one another to MAKE SHIT HAPPEN as a women in business!

I want to create a place where the word EMPOWERMENT bleeds, a place where we won't feel alone at night in bed scrolling through all the happy BS while we're stressing out over not being able to make deadlines or how you're going to keep this business alive after a day of everything that could go wrong going wrong. A place to come read about relatable & REAL topics. We've all been there! No matter what phase you're in or going through. Starting a business is hard but running a business is way HARDER. Like way way harder. Especially when you add the dynamic of a husband, children, family, friends, life. The bottom line this we are doing what we love but don't always love what we are doing. If that makes any sense? But at the end of the day we know we are doing what we were put on God's green earth to do. And THAT my friends is why we need each other!

So basically, every week I am going to feature a badass boss babe on my blog. Some weeks it will be a high profile celebrity & some weeks it will be someone you've probably never heard, but obvi should. I will write up a rundown on them, their business, & how they inspire me. There will also be a q&a with each girl, a very beneficial and relatable q&a! 


I want to give you guys a little back story on me but I will elaborate on a blog post about myself and business later!

How did I start Salvaged Soul?

The short answer to this is...... Well, I just went with it. It was a passion right from the get go. I started DIYing wood framed mirrors. They were selling like hot cakes. SCORE! I had a client ask me if I could make her an end table. Guess what my answer was! "ABSOLUTELY!". Because what did I have to lose? If it turned out like shit I would just give her her money back and call it a day. Well, it turned out AMAZING. I was able to do something with my two hands (don't get an 8th grade thought with that one LOL) that I never thought I could. I will say one MAJOR thing to always remember is YOU CAN DO IT! When YOU believe in YOU, so will everyone else. Passion is contagious & people want to be part of it. Whether it's supporting you or being inspired by you. Anyways, from there the rest was history. Fast forward 4 years & there is not a single piece of furniture I haven't built.

How do I balance being a mom, wife, & business owner?

I don't. I am very aware of the fact that it's nearly impossible & that is exactly why I have no expectations of myself & the word or term "balance". I have accepted the fact that some nights my sink will be overflowing with dishes when I got to bed, my kids will eat their breakfast in the truck on the way to school while doing their homework, & I won't be able to commit to a schedule of any sort because I am running a motha f*ckin business. Balance comes from within, it's not a "real" thing, its in your head. YOU create your own BALANCE. It's not comparable to the "stay home mom" who get's to make mickey mouse pancakes every morning & has dinner on the table at 5. We are a different breed ladies & we are making the world a BETTER place one business at a time! So cheers to that! 

Stay tuned for my first feature on TAMRA JUDGE!

good vibes forever + ever


Intro of 'RIOT Social Club'


Riot logi.jpg

I am beyond thrilled to share with all of you the newest addition to Salvaged Soul.

RIOT Social Club is next level. It is something that is not out there yet. I know that because until now there was nothing created by us. Two striving mothers and female entrepreneurs wanting to give opportunity to others in our shoes. I know I tend to rant but I wouldn't be me if I didn't. I want to give you guys a little background on how this idea came about. 

Erica of EP Design House and I started working together several months ago when I hired her to rebrand Salvaged Soul, I needed to show more of me through my logo, website, ect. She was ON POINT. Her work ethic was just as great as the designs she was creating for me. Always very responsive and anyone who knows me knows I am available. All. The. Time. So it's important when I am working with someone they are too. It's a part of business, especially if you are one to put your heart and soul into something you're building for yourself and your family. NEVER miss a beat. She never missed a beat. 

After working together on a couple more collaborations I felt like Erica got me. ||#soulsisters|| We could throw ideas back and forth about everything from our own businesses to other businesses we felt would do so great working together or could use our advice or input. Not in an insulting critiquing way but in more of a helpful way. We had been talking for months about putting together a group where woman can connect and leave with more than just a fun day. We would have up-and-coming female entrepreneurs connect with our RIOT Girl  the most influential and inspiring woman in the nation.  Also, somewhere to create collaborations. And so it was that 'RIOT Social Club' would be born. 

Riot 1.jpg

||CONNECT|| On top of hard work and dedication I strongly feel my constant push to connect with other woman has allowed me to build the clientele I have. Going all the way back to my business being less than a year old when I wrote into the 'Bethenny Show', had I not put myself out there and risked rejection I don't know if Salvaged Soul would be where it is today.  

||CREATE|| Always be you. Allow yourself to go off the trail sometimes and be creative. Do what fuels your fire, I promise it will show through. 

||COLLABORATE|| This might be the all time key to success. I'd dare to bet on it. It's a win win win! Sometimes you have to give in order to receive. What I mean by that is when you're building a business networking and collaborating will put you on a platform and provide not only a great experience working with fellow entrepreneurs but it's marketing in the most effective way.   


We will be holding our first social on an invitational base for the kickoff. Thereafter we will have a limited number of tickets that can be purchased prior to the event date.

Stay tuned....

xx Christa